We conduct our business with honesty and integrity, and we expect our business partners' values and business practices to mirror ours. Laltex International Limited maintains relationships with suppliers who share our commitment to:

1. Protect human rights of employees and the treatment of all employees with dignity.
2. Creation of safe working conditions and a healthy work environment for all workers.
3. Stewardship of the environment and an ongoing effort to reduce the environmental impact of operations.
4. The highest standards of ethical conduct and compliance with fair business practices.

Audit and Assessments:
Suppliers shall designate one or more of its management staff to be responsible for monitoring their factories, production facilities and compliance with this Code. Laltex may conduct announced or unannounced visits and/or have third party monitor visits to ensure compliance with the Code.

Corrective Action:
Suppliers are expected to promptly take corrective action to address any deficiencies identified with respect to compliance with the Code

Suppliers will keep all information necessary to document compliance with the Code. Suppliers are expected to self-certify each year that they have reviewed and ensured material compliance with the Code.

Reporting Noncompliance:
Suppliers, their employees or their subcontractors should report any questionable behavior by Laltex employees or by the suppliers, their employees or subcontractors. Reports can be filed with the Laltex Compliance Hotline by sending an email to: compliance@laltexhk.com To ensure ongoing compliance, suppliers should establish and maintain an appropriate management and monitoring practice where the scope is related to the content of this Code.